Tue, 24 November 2015
THE OXFORD WORD OF THE YEAR This episode is ON FLEEK! We talk about the Oxford 2015 Word Of The Year, consider some of the other contenders, and wonder if a few of them were made up specifically for the articles about it! We also mention Snack Friday! Visit SnackFriday.org for more info. ----- HTD EXPRESS – Subscribers! Look for The Handsome Timmy D Express in your feed! Tim will interview creative folks in the entertainment industry about their process. Free with your Dan & Travis Show subscription! Find us online at thedanandtravisshow.libsyn.com, at Facebook, follow us on twitter @thedanandtravis, add us on Google+, email the MailSac at danandtravis@gmail.com, or find us at The Chronic Rift Network.
Direct download: In_Style_Such_As_WOTY_-_Face_With_Tears_Of_Joy.mp3
Category:Comedy & News -- posted at: 7:00am EST
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