Tue, 28 July 2015
SHOW OPEN Statues with limitations Justus for Justice: Cos’ is guilty Dan: The Man FLASHBACK “The Poke-her Game?” THE NEWS WITH TRAVIS Jesus picks up the check Lifehacks: Boyband boy beats baggage bucks by bulking Safe Sex PeniSA SHOW CLOSE This Week’s Sign That The End Is Near: Self-aware Robots -- HTD EXPRESS – Subscribers! Look for The Handsome Timmy D Express in your feed! Tim will interview creative folks in the entertainment industry about their process. Free with your Dan & Travis Show subscription!
Find us online at thedanandtravisshow.libsyn.com, at Facebook, follow us on twitter @thedanandtravis, add us on Google+, email the MailSac at danandtravis@gmail.com, or find us at The Chronic Rift Network.
Mon, 13 July 2015
SHOW OPEN “May I Suggest…” Beware of Mr. Baker Impossible Travia – The Ginger Edition 40LBS OF SPORTS: WITH GABE Women in Sports THE NEWS WITH TRAVIS SHOW CLOSE Beaver’s Big Break?
-- HTD EXPRESS – Subscribers! Look for The Handsome Timmy D Express in your feed! Tim will interview creative folks in the entertainment industry about their process. Free with your Dan & Travis Show subscription!
Find us online at thedanandtravisshow.libsyn.com, at Facebook, follow us on twitter @thedanandtravis, add us on Google+, email the MailSac at danandtravis@gmail.com, or find us at The Chronic Rift Network.
Mon, 6 July 2015
ALL SPORTS SPECIAL! On the heels of the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage, Gabe joins Dan and Travis to discuss the reaction from the sports world. Hilarity ensues! (We hope!) Including: Dan schools Gabe on chants! -- HTD EXPRESS – Subscribers! Look for The Handsome Timmy D Express in your feed! Tim will interview creative folks in the entertainment industry about their process. Free with your Dan & Travis Show subscription!
Find us online at thedanandtravisshow.libsyn.com, at Facebook, follow us on twitter @thedanandtravis, add us on Google+, email the MailSac at danandtravis@gmail.com, or find us at The Chronic Rift Network.