Tue, 15 July 2014
As promised, here are the first two episodes of Handsome Timmy D's new podcasting venture. The descriptions here are from Tim himself. We hope you enjoy these bonus episodes! Find more from Tim at his blog, http://handsometimmyd.wordpress.com. HTD EXPRESS 101 - Matt The Cat Baldassarri "My first guest is none-other than one of the very best DJ's on the planet, Matt The Cat who's career ranges from high school radio to a prime-time show on XM-Radio to now documenting the early roots of soul music & rock-n-roll. This interview is filled with much insight into what it takes to entertain the masses from behind the microphone and I was really surprised at how similar those goals are to entertaining the masses with words on a page." HTD EXRESS 102 – Megan Karasch
“Episode 2 is … an interview with novelist & screenwriter Megan Karasch who talks about the pro's & con's of self-publishing her own novels, developing sitcoms and the challenges facing women writers in today's marketplace. And a little about the challenges of being my girlfriend.”